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From a customized plan to full committee facilitation, we've got you.

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A Ready-to-Go Succession Plan

Whether regulated by the Federal Reserve, the FDIC, or the OCC, one initial consultation with your management team or board succession planning committee will have you off and running with a full succession plan tailored to your bank. 

Full Throttle

You have the plan and are ready to go all out, but you need outside facilitation. In addition to a customized succession plan, BBS will virtually facilitate up to 4 board or management committee meetings to ensure you get the best guidance along the way. Want us on sight? That's also an option.

Home Desk
Phone on Desk

Conversation Only? No Problem.

Do you think you're already on track but want us to take a look? We can do that! A consult-only approach will tell us where we need to go to get the most out of what is already in the works.

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